Thursday, May 1, 2014

Thirsty Thursday


     Happy May Day! Since it's rainy here in Chicago and you are probably wondering why it's May and you are STILL wearing your winter jacket, here is a simple Pomegranate Berry Lemonade cocktail that will cheer you up! I am a huge fan of lemonade packets or as my friends call them "shakies".
     One time I decided to throw frozen berries into my lemonade drink and I instantly felt like I was on vacation or at a restaurant. By throwing frozen berries into your drink, it works as eye-candy, ice cubes, AND fiber! (It's even better if you throw in some Smirnoff pomegranate sorbet vodka ;)). Sip on this low-cal drink and you'll start feeling tropical in no time.

Crystal Light Lemonade Packets
Frozen Berries Mixture
Smirnoff Pomegranate Sorbet Vodka

Stay thirsty my friends...xo ;)

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